EURAXESS Poland for international scientists
EURAXESS Poland is a gateway for scientists interested in doing research in Poland or collaborating with Polish institutions. This includes information about research landscape, jobs and funding opportunities, as well as immigration procedures and life in Poland. We provide free and personalised information to researchers and their families relocating to our country as well as to their employers in Poland.
We are an active member of the European network EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion, established in 2004 that connects more than 1.5 thousand members from 700 organisations in 43 countries. In addition, 9 EURAXESS Worldwide offices located outside Europe engage scientists around the world to get to know European research & innovation market and facilitate collaboration with Europe.
The involvement of EURAXESS Poland has been greatly appreciated by the European Commission, and the 20th anniversary of EURAXESS was celebrated in Katowice (Poland), the European City of Science 2024, 10-12th June 2024.
The recordings from the conference are available at the event's website.
ERA Talent Platform
Gateway for researchers and innovators
The ERA Talent Platform serves as a comprehensive online gateway for researchers and research and innovation institutions. It provides direct access to a range of services: the HR Excellence in Research award, the RESAVER pension scheme, the Innovation Talent Platform and the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory.