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RENEWABLE ENERGIES CHAIR RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP FOR MASTER’S DEGREE – 1 VACANCY February 17th, 2025 A call for tenders is open for 1 (one) scholarship for Master’s Degree, within the scope of the project NEXUS: Innovation Pact – Green and Digital Transition for Transport, Logistics and Mobility, Ref...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, UEvora, Évora, 7000-803, Largo dos Colegiais, 2
HERCULES LABORATORY – UNIVERSITY OF ÉVORARESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP – 1 VACANCY 13th of February of 2025 A call for tenders is open for one (1) research scholarship for a Bachelor’s Degree within the scope of the project “GC-CIGA – Glazed ceramic introduction and consumption in the Garb al-Andalus”, ref...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, UEvora, Évora, 7000-803, Largo dos Colegiais, 2
1 - It is hereby made public that, by Dispatch ESE/PR-009/2025, dated 06/02/2025, in the exercise of my competence and by the provisions of the Scientific Research Career Statute, approved by Decree-Law No. 124/99 of 20 April, in its current version, hereinafter referred to as ECIC, an international...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (inED)- School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto
NOTICE N.º 017/2025OPEN CALL FOR RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION WITHIN THE TERMS LAID DOWN OF THE REGULATIONS FOR RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVE(B1)TITLE: Two research grantIt is now open a call for two (2) Research Grant within the project Impulso Mais Digital - SoUAlg 2.0 (ref...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 8005-139, Campus de Gambelas e Campus da Penha
The IGDR PhD program aims at attracting talented PhD students to the IGDR to start innovative research projects. In 2025, about 4 to 8 doctoral positions will be available. The deadline for applications is 21 April 2025 at 13:00 (Paris time).PhD students will conduct their research within one of the...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 4, France, IGDR, Rennes, 35043, 2 avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard
2 (two) Research Fellowships for R&D Initiation (BII) for a Master Students 2 Research Fellowship(s) for R&D Initiation (BII) is(are) open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, for the project “ATLANTICDIVERSA – Use emergent technologies to understand...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 2, Portugal, MARE – Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Lisboa, 1749-016, Lisboa, Campus da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Department of Plant and Environmental SciencesFaculty of ScienceUniversity of CopenhagenThe Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN); Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen invites applications for a full Professor position within the area of Microbial Interactions in Plant and...
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
NOTICE N.º 014A/2025OPEN CALL FOR RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION WITHIN THE TERMS LAID DOWN OF THE REGULATIONS FOR RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALGARVETITLE: It is now open a call for one Research Grant within the project Monitoring Coastal Resilience, ref.ª 2022.05392.PTDC, funded by...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, University of Algarve, Faro, 8005-139, Campus de Gambelas e Campus da Penha
1 - It is hereby announced that, by Dispatch ESE/PR-008/2025, of 06/02/2025, in the exercise of my competence and by the provisions of the Scientific Research Career Statute, approved by Decree-Law No. 124/99 of 20 April, in its current version, hereinafter referred to as ECIC, an international...
Work Locations:
Number of offers: 1, Portugal, Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (inED) - School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto
The Division of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine is looking for aTenure Track Professor for Psychotherapy with focus on PsychodynamicsIdentification number: TOP-2025-003207All applicants are invited to submit their application online via the recruiting platform.For...