
10 December 2024 join us for a collaborative webinar: "Understanding the role of intercultural competence in a professional setting for researchers"!
As researchers increasingly engage in international collaborations, the ability to navigate diverse cultural contexts has become a vital skill. This interactive 2.5-hour webinar, organized by EURAXESS Austria and Association Bernard Gregory, will help you enhance your intercultural competence and better understand how cultural differences impact professional interactions.
Through conceptual discussions and practical exercises, you will learn to recognize cultural codes and reflect on how to adapt to diverse environments.
Target group: PhD candidates and researchers from all seniorities and disciplines
The goals of this workshop are to:
- Cultivate intercultural awareness of your own cultural identity;
- Initiate yourself to an ethics of understanding and openness to the Other;
- Recognize cultural codes and influences to facilitate interactions at work and in day-to-day international life.
- Date & Duration
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- Name
- EURAXESS Austria - OeAD