The Inspiring ERA project, in cooperation with the European Commission, is organising two online events on research careers in the European Research Aream as part of the action 4 of the ERA policy agenda:
- How to make research careers more sustainable and attractive? Ways to benefit from the new EU-level policies and tools
It will take place on 13 November 09.30-12.30 and is addressed to a wide range of R&I stakeholders in Europe, to exchange good practices on how to use some of the new European instruments supporting research careers. More information
- Boost your career: new EU tools and support for attractive research careers
This webinar is scheduled for 4 December 10.00-12.00 and it targets researchers, notably early-career researchers, aiming to raise awareness about all the instruments put in place to support research careers, and how they can benefit from them. More information
Please spread the information among your contacts.