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Showing results 161 to 169
Narasimha Rao Bolla, India
I worked as a Marie Curie fellow in an EU funded program at the Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland, for three years (2013 September - 2016 August). During this period of my stay in Poland, I have received enormous support from the EURAXESS Centre in Warsaw. Monika from EURAXESS was... -
Researchers - we need your opinions!
Dear Researcher, our EURAXESS network members are currently surveying researchers working in Europe in order to collect your opinions on working in academic and non-academic sectors. The collected results will be used for adapting and expanding our services to better help you to develop your... -
3 new calls for young doctors
The Foundation for Polish Science has opened calls for 3 programmes for young doctors (max. 5 years after PhD) of any nationality and dealing with innovative research (in any discipline) who would like to conduct their research in Poland. The projects have to be carried out at research units or... -
Scholarship programme for young researchers
The scholarships are granted by the Polish government for a research stay at a chosen university in Poland within the academic year 2017-2018. The scholarships are addressed to researchers from: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia... -
Visegrad scholarship in Poland
Visegrad Scholarship Program Visegrad scholarships are directed to PhD students, post-doc researchers, as well as Masters and post-Masters for studies or research stays at higher education institutions in the Visegrad region, Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries. Citizens from Albania... -
ERC Consolidator grant open
If you are looking for funding for your research in Poland, you may be interested in the European Research Council CONSOLIDATOR GRANT. The grant is awarded to outstanding researchers of any nationality and age, with at least 7 and up to 12 years of experience after PhD, and a scientific track record... -
Proprius Vero
Causa iriure vel. Abbas abdo ad diam euismod pala premo utrum volutpat wisi. Haero hos humo nunc quia rusticus sed similis ymo. Aliquip camur cui esca virtus. Accumsan commoveo erat gravis neque. Erat nulla odio sino. Abluo duis euismod. Defui minim patria scisco veniam vindico. Cogo eros praesent... -
Eu facilisi feugiat metuo neo nostrud pneum quia vindico voco. Abico cogo conventio diam fere jugis nutus typicus. Aliquam autem distineo fere interdico iriure iustum quidem singularis. Brevitas cui iriure lucidus. Aptent camur decet ibidem lobortis macto turpis usitas validus virtus. Abbas caecus...