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NEWS11 Feb 2025NewsNowości

NAWA-Ulam scholarship to Poland for post-docs

ULAM programme symbol

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange invites international scientists to submit applications in the Ulam* scholarship programme. The programme allows promising scientists who hold at least a doctoral degree to conduct research in Poland at a chosen scientific institution. The stay can last between 6 and 24 months. There is no restriction as to nationality, age and field of science. 

The aim of the programme is to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and teaching. HEIs, scientific and research institutes have an opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland to:

  • conduct research and/or development work
  • undergo post-doctoral training
  • obtain materials for scientific work or publication

The Programme provides financing for: a monthly scholarship of PLN 11 500 monthly plus a family allowance.

The programme can also include applications by scientists who have obtained the Seal of Excellence certificate under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships programme.

Application deadline: 12 May 2025 (15:00 CET)

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*Stanisław Marcin Ulam (1909 -1984) was a brilliant Polish mathematician who earned a PhD from the Lviv Polytechnic in 1933. Prof. Ulam was a member of the internationally renowned Lviv School of Mathematics and co-author of the Scottish Book. Just before the outbreak of the Second World War, he went to the USA to join the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Several American universities appointed him as an associate professor (e.g. University of Wisconsin, University of Colorado Boulder, Florida State University).